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The Economist 1988 Article https://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-by-2018″-the-economist-magazine/ Bone Chilling 1988 Economic Prediction Over the last week several people emailed me an article I had read a few years ago about a one world currency and global economic reset. I had forgotten The Economist 1988 article that among other things claimed: "In all these ways national economic boundaries are slowly dissolving. As the trend continues, the appeal of a currency union across at least the main industrial countries will seem irresistible to everybody except foreign-exchange traders and governments." Pretty chilling considering the state of the world today. As many of you know I've been predicting a global economic reset that is already in the works. Changing borders, global economic stimulus, global wars and major financial destruction. Next Wednesday at 4pm PST I'm hosting a LIVE conference call all about the global economic reset. I'll break down the 7 major points I believe will come to pass, how to see them developing and what to do about it. To register for the call click here: https://calvo.samcart.com/products/LIVE%20Global%20Economic%20Reset%20Conference%20Call If your already a monthly member of these calls you'll get an email notice about the event. At the registration page you'll get a chance to talk with me live one on one. This is a one time offer I'm adding to the registration because of the amount of emails I had for this after my last conference call. No BS, no gimmicks just an hour plus of hard hitting truth on the global economic reset. To register for the call click here: https://calvo.samcart.com/products/LIVE%20Global%20Economic%20Reset%20Conference%20Call