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SCRIPT SLIDE 1 Globalization refers to the expansion of economic transactions and the organization of economic activities across political boundaries of nation states. It is a process of interaction and integration among the people and governments of nations all around the world. It is helped by the advancements of technology and trade. It's a way for a nation's government as a whole to adapt to stronger and newer innovations and inventions. SLIDE 2 Democracy is a system of government in which individuals are able to exercise their rights by electing representatives from among themselves to form a government as a whole. A democracy provides citizens of a nation with rights and freedom and it is the most efficient way to allow for the full extent of that freedom. With globalization always taking place, it is actually beneficial for the spread of democracy to follow with it. SLIDE 3 The impact of globalization on democracy has many advantages and benefits the people due to its economic development and the promotion of democracy. Some may argue that the spread of globalization throughout democracy's has decreased the power that it's nation holds. This is said because a democracy gives the people more freedom and power to make decisions within their government which leads to a decrease in the power of the government itself. So, the impact of globalization on democracy is beneficial in the long run for it allows for more growth within a nation. SLIDE 4 Since globalization refers to the expansion of economic and global involvement, there is a spread of new and upcoming policies that become shared with other countries. Less developed countries benefit off of globalization especially when democracy is spreading as well. By encouraging globalization in less developed countries, we not only help to raise growth rates and incomes, promote higher standards, and feed, clothe, and house the poor; we also spread political and civil freedoms. SLIDE 5 In less developed countries the spread of political and civil freedoms promote values that come from other countries. For example, the United States is a democracy that under the leadership of a President allows for a range of how a democracy is run. With that being said, citizens living in the United States are able to have their own views and opinions socially, economically, and politically. By spreading democracy to those under developed countries, the ideas that countries like the United States and others have are spread throughout them and allow those countries become better and stronger. SLIDE 6 By spreading democracy, there are several ways a country can adapt to it. A big one is the way that the economic systems are controlled. There are three types of systems; traditional, command, and market. Each of these are used in different types of governments. A traditional economy is when decisions about resources are made by custom, also known as tradition. A command economy is when central planners make important decisions leaving very little room for others to have a say. And lastly, there is a market economy, which is used by a democracy, and allows for business owners and consumers to make their economic decisions. With the spread of globalization, democracy is impacted because other countries who are less developed or run with a different type of government, are able to learn and see the benefits and values of the way a democracy is led. SLIDE 7 A democracy allows for more freedom with trade. Globalization is built off of an idea that allows countries to adapt to new ideas. So by globalization occurring, an advantage on the impact of democracy is that trade is happening more freely. Countries are able to immensely grow with the types of trade that happen. Going back to the idea of less developed countries, the expansion of markets means they no longer need to bribe or beg government officials for permission to import necessary or leisure goods. They can more easily acquire tools of communication. SLIDE 8 To sum up what has been said, globalization has a positive impact on democracy because it allows for economic development in countries that are still building off of the values of a democratic government. Things like trade, innovation, entrepreneurship, and promotion of democracy are helped by the spread of globalization and benefit countries trying to run with a more democracy valued government.