16m 0sLenght

From the past we preserve believes that in the shape of religion and tradition rule our lives. From later laic revolutions, we preserve values such as solidarity, freedom and equality. Ethics, disciple of these values and believes, defines a shared code of behaviour. Is this clash between laic values and old believes what rules the world nowadays? What values or believes will rule the world in the future? __________________________________ Del passat conservem creences que en forma de religió i tradició regeixen la nostra vida. De les revolucions laiques posteriors tenim els valors de solidaritat, llibertat i igualtat. L’ètica, filla d’aquests valors i creences, defineix un codi de conducta compartit. El xoc entre els valors laics i les velles creences és el que avui regeix el món? Quins valors o creences regiran el món en el futur? Joan Antoni Melé was born in Barcelona in 1951 and studied Economics and financial management. With over 30 years of experience, this professional of traditional banking launched the expansion of Triodos Bank in Spain, where he became the general assistant director. Melé collaborates in several magazines and books, participates in conferences on a regular basis and gives lectures in universities and business schools. He is the author of the book Dinero y conciencia ¿A quién sirve mi dinero? – Ed. Plataforma. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx