3m 35sLenght

A polemic poem for and 'from' the generation before the forgotten generation... From the baby boomers If fucking up’s what parents do, we thought: why stop with you? And with sweet laissez-faire we fucked the economy, too. You know who we are: the spoilt baby-boomers, Plastically living in all-you-can-eat mortgages. Whether witless or feckless, The outcome’s the same: again and again and again and again, we let the lizards write their own rules in a zero-sum game. But we listen to the schoolboys and we listen to their papers, Run by a handful of well-dressed white men who whine and berate us About foreigners, money, so much everyday shit: how much can I drink, and still live with it? Fiddling the books as the UK burns. Not custodians but rapists. When we got our degrees, the old fools gave them away: But when you wanted one… naturally we made you pay. Listen up! There’s so much more we can do: oh look, they’re selling off your children’s schools too - Remember, it’s all for the sake of the nation. We’re not wasting our savings on your education. And we’ll pull out of Europe, that disease-ridden whore, and we’ll turn away immigrants and refugees of war, as we grumble on our sofas about England’s latest shit score. Pull up the drawbridge! For Old Empire! King Arthur! What made us! We won’t let people in - because we’re the invaders! And if you want change, the choice is always the same: two brazen asset-strippers different only in name. We’ll laugh off alternatives as a dangerous joke (unless they’re pint-clutching racists - we’ll shore up that vote), leaving our too-placid progeny to die by the yoke. And we’ll shrug as your healthcare goes up in our smoke; Turn away from inconvenient hospital strikes - If you want to stay healthy, then get on your bikes. From minor to major, we’re on autocue. Fucking the world’s just another fuck-you. In a waterlogged island so obsessed with the weather, Five pence for a bag is our greatest endeavour. Don’t you sweat the small change, you’re probably fine. We don’t give a shit. We’ll be dead by that time.