7m 41sLenght

This is about truth and nothing else. Truth creates progression, development and unity. This is a video for the Indian Nation, the DHARMANation. Education Video on Indian Dharma and Divisive Politcal interests. Indian history was hijacked. The first democracy was in india, where people of various faiths lived and worked, this is democracy, whereas in europe and arabia, their ideology resulted in mass genocide and conversion. India is the first democracy, saffron ideology ensures the survival of all, dharmic faiths, sikhism, buddhism, sanatan dharma, and jainism promote tolerance, non conversion, non violence, progression and importance on self. These are the first steps of democracy, or dharmocracy. India was looted by the christians and islamic ruling elite, today india lives with THEIR DECEIT. The first step we take will to reveal the TRUTH about Indian migration into central asia, and europe. The so called aryan theory was in fact the Indian migration out of india. We are the source of civilisation and culture. For the last 200years abrahamic forces have worked together to deny the truth TO INDIANS, as it then goes against christian and islamic religous beleifs that they created civilisation. No dharmic faith has ever seeked the conversion, destruction or plunder of africa, arabia, europe or any other part of this world. This is democracy. Indians are United by faith, history and GENETICS. Genetics now proves that indians are indeed from one genetic pool. For the last few years, decietfull people pushing a colonialistic ideology on to india have twisted the data to show lies, and still in india schools promote such racist aryan theories. One Dharma does not support the lies of abrahamic ruling elite. Genetics Proves that Indians migrated out with culture, agriculture, and language, we are the FIRST. One Dharma is an intellectual movement to education you on the truth. __________________________________________________________ When Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa, he first reached South-West Asia around 75,000 BP, and from here, went on to other parts of the world. In simple terms, except for Africans, all humans have ancestors in the North-West of the Indian peninsula. In particular, one migration started around 50,000 BP towards the Middle East and Western Europe: "indeed, nearly all Europeans — and by extension, many Americans — can trace their ancestors to only four mtDNA lines, which appeared between 10,000 and 50,000 years ago and originated from South Asia." -Lluís Quintana-Murci,Vincent Macaulay,Stephen Oppenheimer, India had the world's largest economy from the first to eleventh century, and in the eighteenth century, with a (32.9%) share of world GDP in the first century to (28.9%) in 1000 AD, by 1700 AD with (24.4%).- Angus Maddison (The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective) A Study of Groninen University, reveals that India's share of the world income went from 24.4% in 1700, to a low of 3.8% in 1952, at the end of the British Empire. The poverty in india stems from the British colonial era, and its that ideology thats still present eating away like a cancer. __________________________________________________________ The current system was created by the same empire that looted india. We will wipe the slate clean and make sure No person is left behind and India progresses in a way that it always has. The poverty you see today stems from the plunder that was taken to europe.We make no apology for truth, we make no apology for revealing the true origin of CONgress. Saffron ideology is about tolerance, non violence, acceptance of others, acceptance of many paths leading to one, non conversion, and enlightenment, No dharmic faith has ever seeked the conversion of others, saffron ideology will bring back truth, integrity and stability the prime conditions needed for wealth and development. Saffron ideology will protect muslim and christian followers from their own ruling muslim and christian elite who abuse their faith for their own political gain, and protect them from militant aspects who use their faith and endanger their lives of their own community and others. Saffron ideology will protect those people to allow them to live in peace free from fear of people hijacking a faith and promoting dangerous attitudes that lead to violence. The first democarcy in the world was India. If people want to progress then they must return to the SELF, and understanding only by truth and knowledge can man overcome problems. This is movement to bring about a change in indian soceity, a desire to bring truth and FINALLY address the previous corrupt colonial 200years that have morphed itself into modern india, which is the cause of the corruption. A movement to address the altered and doctored Indian history and education, an education that is laced with lies which served a western political agenda is not Education, its Miseducation.