8m 17sLenght

The New Global Economy. The Internationalization of the Third World Model. The supra-national institutions, which include the executive of the European Union, reflect the growing internationalization of the market economy. (3/4) - Excerpts from: "The Economic Impact of Post-WWII US Foreign Policy" Noam Chomsky, Apr 27, 1995 (Part 1/4) http://youtu.be/YJ4b3zufoeM (Part 2/4) http://youtu.be/PDOOqDYHBjg (Part 4/4) http://youtu.be/Lo5O4ox0ff8 Listen To Mr. Chomsky Full Talk: http://archive.org/details/NoamChomsky-1995-04-27-EconomicImpactOfPost-wwiiUsForeign
 The Noam Chomsky Website: http://www.chomsky.info/ http://www.chomsky.info/onchomsky.htm 
Collection: Noam Chomsky Audio Conservatory http://archive.org/details/noamchomskyaudioconservatory 
Footage from Department of Defense. Department of the Army. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. http://www.defense.gov/news/ http://www.army.mil/ http://cdm16635.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16635coll11/id/309 Google The Web: James Tobin (March 5, 1918 -- March 11, 2002) Coping With Financial Volatility - The Tobin Tax: http://cowles.econ.yale.edu/archive/reprints/tobin-tax-96.pdf Please note that obviously I do not own the copyright, nor do I have a license to distribute — such material is used for educational purposes only; a "fare use" to provide understanding or give information for issues concerning us all.