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Fall of the Yankees Empire: US is Broke, US is Broke, Imperial Country Going Downhill -- Ex-US Senator * Former US Senator Mike Gravel says Washington is trying to promote fear of terrorist attacks among people, & that young US soldiers are dying in vain due to the country's imperial ambitions. Mike Gravel, US senator (D-Alaska), 1969 -- 1981 (speaking English): "First, I'm extremely concerned, I'm extremely horrified and I'm extremely embarrassed over my country. I like the United States, but by the same token I think my country is an imperial country that is going downhill and our leadership doesn't even acknowledge the problem. We spend more on defense than all the rest of the world put together. And we're broke. One third of our children don't even graduate from high school - we're 26th in the world with respect to education. Our healthcare system is a joke. We're told, 'Oh, we Americans, we're the smartest, we're the best in the world'. This phony triumphalism is turned into a device to cause Americans to live in fear, fear of a terrorist attack on you as an individual, yet you have a thousand times more likelhood to catch cancer than ever be hurt by that. And so, here the United States in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Vietnam in the era, -- all these American soldiers have died in vain, died in vain. And this was a comment that I got from a general, he said, 'Mike, they have died in vain'. Look at Vietnam today, most favorite trade nation status, it is still a communist country. So, ask yourself, three million Southeast Asians were murdered as a result of our activities, 58,000 Americans, and what has changed? Nothing. So, this fear of communism, and what it meant, is that these people died in vain. They're dying in vain in Afghanistan today, they've died in vain in Iraq. When Obama says, 'you know, we're leaving' -- Maliki is throwing us out of Iraq. Maliki is a corrupt government and you are going to see essentially a civil war. As soon as we leave the scene, it's going to be the mess that it was before. All I can say about what the United States is doing -- it's immoral. As a result of 9/11 we have altered our moral compass. And people begin to get used to brutalizing each other. This is what happens. We, Americans used to think 'oh, what happened in Germany could never happen with us'. Well, it is happening with us. And it's happening to the detriment of our global position. We've lost respect, because people now fear the United States because we're like a drunken person who goes to war anywhere if you threaten us. And then think of the morality of being able to, a government official whether it's military or not, puts your name on a list because he thinks you are a traitor or you are a terrorist. Puts your name on a list, then we dispatch a drone to follow you and then we eventually take it upon ourselves to kill you without any trial, without any evidence and then kill about 10 other civilians that happen to be standing next to you. The morality of that, removing, removing the responsibility. In fact that was so difficult for people to understand that when you drop bombs from the air on people, you don't see them die, they're down there. So that removes the moral responsibility. I saw this serving in the United States Senate, when we were debating and saying 'here our actions are causing people to die', there is no sense of that, you're far away. We've not matched the progress in the private sector of technology and science with the ability to govern ourselves in a proper fashion. We don't have a democracy, we have a system of representative governments worldwide and that is not good enough for the people to govern themselves in the 21 century."