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I have compiled a list of the top 20 + world's fastest growing economies highest by looking at a projected annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2014 through 2017, possibly also beyond that. This is based on the forecasts of the IMF's global economic prospects. Take into account that the world's fastest growing economies aren't typically the world's richest countries, whether by GDP Nominal, GDP Per Capita or GDP Purchasing Power Parity. Truth be told that much of these countries are among the most unequal societies in the world where populations suffer for high income inequality, political instability, corruption, bad governance and human rights abuses and other values that the West takes for granted nowadays. However in the developed world it is necessary to actually go out and invent whatever it is which is going to bring on the economic growth. When an economy is within that technological envelope of what has already been invented then that invention doesn’t need to happen: all that is necessary is the implementation. This doesn’t mean that growth is easy, only that catch up growth is easier. It is expected that poorer place to grow more quickly. The end result of this is something called “convergence”, where the poorer countries catch up with the rich ones. Another thing to take into account is that emerging economies are expected to grow two to three times faster than developed nations like the US, Germany, Sweden, Canada, Japan, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and so on, according to International Monetary Fund estimates. This growth narrative is important for Main Street investors who are not clued in on the big Wall Street long bull trends. The public investor is still underweight emerging markets in their portfolios. Yet, corporate profits tend to grow faster when economic growth is higher. One of the reasons why US companies have done so well in the last 12 months is because of growth in their non-US markets. Another benefit for investors is the diversification the EMs provide, because they tend to perform differently than developed markets, and have been successful at decoupling from the greater, longer term woes of the mature economies of the West. There are also more and more people in much of those countries who are lifting themselves above poverty and reaching the middle class. Other emerging countries worth investing in are: Cambodia, Hungary, Slovakia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Mongolia, Croatia, Namibia, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Botswana, Serbia, FYR Macedonia, Vietnam and Sir Lanka. Sources: Top 20 World's Fastest Growing Economies http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-25/the-20-fastest-growing-economies-this-year 13 Fastest Growing Economies http://uk.businessinsider.com/world-bank-fast-growing-global-economies-2015-6?r=US&IR=T#ixzz3iWv61xn9 IMF Pegs India To Be One Of World's Fastest Growing Economies http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/05/07/imf-pegs-india-to-be-one-of-worlds-fastest-growing-economies/ Congo-Brazzaville's Economic Growth http://country.eiu.com/Congo%20%28Brazzaville%29 Why Invest in Emerging Markets? http://country.eiu.com/Congo%20%28Brazzaville%29 Economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo Ethiopia’s Currently Has the Fastest Growing Economy in Africa http://atlantablackstar.com/2015/07/31/ethiopias-economy-currently-fastest-growing-economy-africa/ Ethiopia Economic Outlook http://www.afdb.org/en/countries/east-africa/ethiopia/ethiopia-economic-outlook/