13m 19sLenght

The world's economy may be tanking, but there are many countries that are doing pretty well, I'm talking about countries whose wealth is based on the GDP(Gross Domestic Product).That is why the GDP per capita is a more appropriate tool than just comparing GDPs. It can therefore be assumed that the countries with the highest GDPs per capita have the richest citizens. To really ensure the figures are comprehensive and the rankings are appropriate, GDP per capita is then adjusted based on purchasing power parity (PPP) a concept in economics that’s used to determine the relative value between currencies.These estimates are made every year by international financial organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. While the GDP (PPP) is a good indicator of a country's wealth, calculations based on nominal GDP often tend to overlook the cost of living in each country. Small counries like: Monaco, Qatar, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Macau, Singapore, Norway, Switzerland, Brunei and other small nations are among the wealthiest in the world because they are able to stay independent. They are also able to totally control their own tax and travel policies, these places can make themselves very attractive to tourists/people looking for second homes; and they only need a few to make a big impact on their economy. Small-scale means agile. Another good thing about many these countries is that favorable tax policies encourage foreigners to base their businesses there, contributing to GDP, that also includes countries like: United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Great Britain, Holland, Australia and so on. Source: List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita Business Code : Monaco un rocher qui vaut de l'or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwhacLzOPuk Monaco's GDP Per Capita http://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&met_y=ny_gdp_pcap_cd&idim=country:MCO:LUX:LIE&hl=en&dl=en Qatar's GDP Per Capita https://www.google.com/search?q=passeport+monegasque&safe=active&biw=1192&bih=420&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=CZCaVfeqEsHusAH0vaqYCA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAA&dpr=1#safe=active&q=qatar+gdp+per+capita&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDowgHjxKHfq6-gZmlebGWWXaylX5OfnJiSWZ-nn5xCZAuLslMTsyJL0pNBwpZpacUxOfl52bmAYUKUovikxMLMksSuxiduOCGCFFqSJZhlQX5hjhzcYIMMawyMjQl1xTfL7pM9ruevE7fcKtor7q52ApBzqsAek1P3jEBAAA Scandinavia - the Utopia that Never Was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpw247cfwes Piers Morgan on Monaco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9iXG4Rkdv4 The 10 Nations With The Highest GDPs Per Capita http://www.therichest.com/business/economy/the-10-nations-with-the-highest-gdp-per-capita/ The World's Richest and Poorest Countries https://www.gfmag.com/global-data/economic-data/worlds-richest-and-poorest-countries Monaco: The Richest Place on Earth http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/monaco-richest-place-earth-1454967 Will America ever be one of the five richest countries https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130312193219AAZdcWL What Makes Countries Rich or Poor? http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2012/jun/07/what-makes-countries-rich-or-poor/ Isn't true that the United States has a higher standard of living than Denmark? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150706095703AALjPiw&page=2